Hasht Behesht the palace of 8 Octogonal piece

September 4, 2019

As for the Hasht Behesht Palace a beautiful palace in Isfahan, is named  following the name of the palace the 8 gardens of paradise. This Iranian palace was built during the Safavid era. Because of eight small octagonal pieces, the Hasht-Behest is called by this name. The pavilion has a ceiling in the form of a dome adorned with mirrors and wall paintings. There are windows with costly glasses on the upper floors.

The first floor rooms of the palace,  highlight a fragile plaster made mostly from Portland cement and sand and lime. It is applied as soft cover for outside part of the wall. 

Surfaces stuccos and paintings on 4 corners in contrast with the rooms on the second floor decorated with strings of flowers along with the eye-catching decorations on doors and windows. It is listed as a national heritage site, for its gorgeous decorations with the well-proportioned ceiling.

The building contains an 8-sided fine marble pond; it is designed beautifully and bubbles of water, like pearl beads, gush out of holes, creating an astonishing sight. Right in front of the building, there are fountains in a big blue-colored pond surrounded by flowers in parts.

There is dried pond in the middle of the structure. The corners of the rooms are Octagonal, form the massive pillars 

The vault  of the central space is detailed with polychrome muqarns and is capped with a lanteren.

Just in front of the building, there are fountains in a large blue-colored pond bordered by the floral parts. The mansion is admired by the tourists and travelers.

Admired by the famous tourists and travelers, the mansion had transformed   in a number of ways during the Qajar dynasty. Once a dwelling for Qajar kings’ wives, it is presently a most preferred destination in Isfahan for the visitors.

Night visits, of Hasht Behesht are overwhelming. You can have a striking and unusual effect with finest  illuminations and the image of the structure reflected on the surface of the waters.

Review #2

The octagonal mansion in Isfahan, a top tourist destination in Iran, Hasht Behesht is one of the magnificent palaces from late Safavid era. Perched in a broad garden, part of a huger garden in old days, the touristic edifice well represents the exquisiteness of Iran’s architecture; tilework here is remarkable portraying images of animals and birds. Persian for 8 paradises, Hasht Behesht offers distinctive sides. Standing 2 m above the ground level, the two-storey building holds stairs all sides connecting the bottom floor to the top.

The rooms on the first floor highlight delicate stuccos and paintings on 4 corners in contrast with the rooms on the second floor festooned with eye-catching inlays on doors and windows. Listed as a national heritage site, the well-proportioned pavilion’s ceilings are gorgeously decorated as well.

The building contains an 8-sided fine marble pond; it is designed beautifully and bubbles of water, like pearls beads, gush out of holes, creating an astonishing sight. Right in front of the building, there are fountains in a large blue-colored pond surrounded by flowers in parts.

Admired by famous travelers, the mansion underwent transformations in some ways during the Qajar dynasty. Once a residence for Qajar kings’ wives, it is now a well-travelled destination in popular Isfahan. The profusion of gardens and orchards enrich the prettiness of the mansion. Lots of scenic views are possible for photographing. The surrounding park is a respite from the hustle and bustle of today’s modern cities.

Night visits, to me, are awesome; with fine illuminations and the image of the structure reflected on the surface of waters you can have an exotic landscape in front of your eyes.

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