Saray-e Ameriha

September 13, 2018

Ameriha House, located in Alavi Street, Sultan Mir Ahmad neighborhood, near a bathhouse carrying the same name, was founded in the Zand era and expanded in the Qajar era, by Saham Alsaltanah Ameri. Initially it was a residence for his family but other buildings were later added.

A landmark of Kashan city, the house holds 85 rooms, and several courtyards: Andaruni (private quarters), and Biruni (public area) are the oldest and most important.

The huge mansion, with an area of 7,000 square meters, consists of several connected buildings. The compound boasts Howz Khane (literally pond house), high iwans, and magnificent Shahneshins (a private site for kings only, in Iran’s old architecture). The exterior parts are decorated with extraordinary plaster embellishments, artistic paintings, carpentry, inlaid wood carving, and Muqarans (an architectural style for decorating arches and vaults).

The three-door rooms encompass the courtyard symmetrically way.

The wonderfully made complex highlights the tallest windward in the city. Windwards are tall ventilation structures on rooftops which help to create a pleasant atmosphere inside the building.

Restoration works were carried out by the Cultural Heritage Organization as of 1996. More interesting than almost all buildings of the city in many ways, Saray-e Ameriha was developed into a luxurious hotel, preserving the old marvels of the buildings, and subsequently was opened to public in May 22, 2014.

The old complex welcomes eager tourists and sightseers, providing them with unforgettable experiences of the site and a pleasant, joyful stay in its hotel.

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