Cheshmeh Belqis

September 13, 2018
Cheshmeh Belqis
Cheshmeh Belqis

Located in the lovely province of Kohgīlūyeh Va Būyer Aḩmad, which is Iran’s dreamland with its rich tourist’s destinations, the pretty garden is crammed with plenty of willows and plantations all around. The enchanting garden is spread out in a valley with many picturesque landscapes of paddies and fields nearby.

It is said that it was originally developed by a woman named Belqis in late Sassanid era, at the threshold of Islamic era, and the current patch dates from early Pahlavi era. Also, in 2015, it was renovated and an artificial waterfall and some additions were added such as making cover tables for families and tourists as well as platforms for camping.

After a meandering road, you will reach the garden with an abundant streams flowing on its lands. The green site highlights many trees; among which are pines, decorative palms, eucalyptus, cedars, oaks, cypresses and various fruit trees such as pomegranates, lemons, apples, grapes, walnuts, pears, limes, persimmons, oranges, tangerines, figs, and berries.

The garden’s centerpiece is the round pool amid the garden with an eye-catching view.  In the heart of the pool you will see a circle, with a 4-m radius, bedecked impressively with bushes.

The irrigation system is another interesting feature: a couple of major and minor springs within the garden feed the lands via the streams all over the place. Excess waters run on a large stream path and pour into the pool.

The massive garden, with an area of 38,960 square meters, receives many sightseers and trippers throughout the year. A popular family destination over weekends and vacations, the garden exhilarates travelers thanks to its perfect weather, free from any pollution and dust, and its captivating atmosphere.

Having picnics is a nice thing to do here. And surrounded by scenic outlooks, you will be drawn to photograph many scenes on impulse.

Here is the address to check the weather forecast for a safer trip:

Cheshmeh Belqis

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