Tajan River

August 8, 2019

Flowing in Sarakhs, Mazandaran Province, Tajan starts in Nayerabad Mountain and reaches Tajan Valley after a long way on the mountain. It runs towards east of Sari and pours into the Caspian Sea eventually. The river is formed where 2 Hari and Kashafrud rivers meet. At a height of 3,251 m on the mountains of Hezar Jarib, in the northern part of the Alborz ranges, it is one of the Caspian Sea’s major catchments.  The river’s path is semi-mountainous and forests are seen around.

Tajan is not like other permanent rivers; in fact it suffers changes depending on the rainfall. It is the largest resource for Sarakhs plain, where beautiful anemones grow. A wonderful land for photographers. The river also feeds farms and fields as well as forests.

The long river, 1,100 km, boasts broad-leaf forests as well as aquatic vegetation, seen more down the river.

All the way, you can see beautiful landscapes from the valley, to rice patches, forests, and lovely villages.

The great river is a habitat for various species of fish like trout, upstream, and carp, downstream. You will get nice opportunities for fishing ( permits needed).

The river features green lush vegetation on its bank: evergreens, Adler trees, and aquatic plants. A variety of birds live in the rich ecosystem, too. Among them are eagles of different species, herons, storks, ducks, geese, roosters, plovers,  and bitterns.

There is a marvelous newly-built suspension bridge over the river where you will have a panoramic view of the region.

Melal Parkland in Sari near the river is one of the most frequently visited places in the city. Families gather together for a picnic in the ambient place and tourists come  to have fun near the river.

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