Hogg Robinson Germany, Iran Travel Agency in Germany

May 14, 2018

With 14,000 employees in more than 120 countries, HRG is the global point of contact of companies for the entire complex of travel, conference, event, cost and data management. We belong to the Hogg Robinson Group, which has been serving corporate clients for over 170 years and has emerged from an insurance company in the City of London. Our customers include many of the most prestigious companies in the world. We provide day in, day out, round the clock assistance and emergency assistance for their travelers. Whatever the destination is – a customer’s headquarters, conference, petroleum platform or home – we are growing beyond ourselves to ensure that these travelers arrive at their destination on time and ready to go. We not only ensure that our customers travel stress-free, but also save time and money. How we do this? With exceptional employees: employees who are willing to do far more than can be expected of them, employees whose experience makes HRG something special. From direct contacts in our service centers to senior management, our company has a core team of experienced, dedicated and courteous employees who are unparalleled in their industry. It is these people and the relationships that they have built up over the many years that characterize us, especially in crisis management. It takes a long time to find such employees. But without them, we would not be where we are.

Address: Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 9, 10969 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 66760

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