Iran, Land of opportunity for entrepreneurs

September 11, 2018
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Land of opportunity for entrepreneurs
Land of opportunity for entrepreneurs

For the tourist, Iran is a marvel, home to the world’s most ancient surviving culture, a wealth of historical sites and places of wonder and beauty, it has everything for a perfect vacation. But it is also a land of true opportunity for the entrepreneur, and this is something that is often overlooked, but a look closer at this country and it is easy to see why.

Firstly, this is the second largest economy in the Middle east, behind Saudi Arabia, worth $400 Billion a year, and is currently seeing growth projections of 7% or more. But that is not all that makes Iran such a wonderful prospect for those looking to invest or start new businesses, Iran has incredibly well developed, efficient infrastructure too. This includes the education system, which turns out a remarkable 235,000 scientists and engineers each year from the highly respected universities around the country.

With close to 10% of the population having degree level or above education, around 7.5 million in raw numbers, there is a huge pool of talent that can power any startup to success. While that education system covers all subjects, there is a particular strength in technology, and this makes the perfect platform for new startups, with nanotechnology seeing increased interest already in this area.

In the last couple of years, Iran has also begun a heavy investment program in infrastructure countrywide, with cutting edge communications provisions a major component that is already underway in many areas. Of course, for a startup, or any business, having adequate fast communications is essential, and with Iran currently having over 20 million subscribers to 4G services that are reaching all areas of the country, the platform is there. In fact, that growth happened in a little more than a year, and that pace of change is very indicative of an entrepreneurial economy.

This is a country that is ready to fulfill its collective potential, with bright, effective innovators who are keen to succeed, but are also looking to make a difference to the country itself, exploring the potential for true, lasting change their work can do.  This is important, as this is a workforce of driven, talented people who want to make an impact, it is a vast untapped resource for any business, one determined to succeed and shape the world around them.

This combination of talent and opportunity, in a rapidly growing and large economy, makes Iran a fantastic destination for entrepreneurs and a great environment for launching new startups or expanding existing businesses. For those looking for less direct involvement, investment in startup businesses from this new wave of highly educated and driven Iranian entrepreneurs is an attractive prospect in itself.

Whether that is the tech industry or any other, Iran today brings incredible potential for any new idea, with a consumer base hungry for innovation, a vibrant economy and a highly educated workforce, Iran really is a land of opportunity.

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